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Unit 2 Quiz_ American History Before 1877

Unit 2 Quiz

Q In your own words, describe the differences between how the French, Dutch and Spanish interacted with Native Peoples and the religious expectations they placed on them. (Minimum 150 words)According to Robert Beverley in the Unit 2.1 activity entitled “Robert Beverley on Servants and Slaves,” what are the differences between servants and slaves? What protections did servants have that slaves did not? In your own words, describe what was at the root of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. (Minimum 150 words)In your own words, describe how the consumer revolution impacted the American colonies. (Minimum 150 words)In your own words, describe who the Freemasons were during the colonial era and why they were significant.

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The Dutch, French, and Spanish people interacted with the Natives in completely different ways. Dutch were more concerned with trade and not converting the natives unlike French and Spanish. The Dutch establishes alliances so that their trade continues. The French also established alliance bus they were based on the system of friendship and alliances creating competition among the tribes themselves. The Spanish on the other hand, treated natives with utmost cruelty. Forced them to convert and when they said no they were left with no land and no food. The religious expectations varied a lot. The Dutch had no issues with the religious freedom.